We diagnose correctly and quickly

The Multiplanar Imaging Center was created to bring medical services to the market: new technologies, methods, and approaches, following the latest technological innovations and clinical practices, are more efficient and effective, being delivered on time and based on patient needs.

We diagnose correctly and quickly

The Multiplanar Imaging Center was created to bring medical services to the market: new technologies, methods, and approaches, following the latest technological innovations and clinical practices, are more efficient and effective, being delivered on time and based on patient needs.

We diagnose correctly and quickly

The Multiplanar Imaging Center was created to bring medical services to the market: new technologies, methods, and approaches, following the latest technological innovations and clinical practices, are more efficient and effective, being delivered on time and based on patient needs.

The appointment

To make your experience as enjoyable as possible, you can make an appointment for the necessary investigation by accessing the button.

Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Access result

You can now access your results remotely, using the access data provided on the day of the survey.

Price list

We perform a wide range of medical imaging services by MRI and CT, and the latest prices are published on our website.


Our services

Multiplanar visual diagnostics center in Moldova provides two types of medical services: magnetic imaging (MRI) with a magnetic field strength of 1.5 Tesla and computed tomography (CT) with 160 sections. We also provide medical services to patients who have compulsory medical insurance (CNAM) or voluntary medical insurance from insurance companies with which we have a cooperation agreement. Come to our medical imaging center in Chisinau or call us to order MRI in our multiplanar center.

About us

We are - visual diagnostics clinic in Moldova, which was created with the vision to provide the citizens of the Republic of Moldova with access to high performance medical imaging services using the latest technological innovations in the world for medical equipment, diagnostic methods and approach based on patient needs and the common sense of our team of specialists.

Medical imaging center in Moldova is equipped with Japanese imaging equipment produced by Canon Corporation (formerly TOSHIBA) and is equipped with the most sophisticated medical image scanning and reconstruction technology, which makes it possible to use it in the diagnosis of a very wide range of diseases. We are equipped with a 160-section computed tomography scanner and a 1.5 Tesla nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Prices for magnetic resonance imaging vary depending on the scanning of a certain part of the body.

Our team of specialists has over 15 years of experience in visual diagnostics, and offers a high level of expertise in the field, professionalism, attitude and respect for patients. We have the capabilities to provide patient access to CT or MRI service upon request on the same or next day at the latest. Сost of magnetic resonance imaging is the most acceptable. The result of the investigation is released to the patient for 1-1.5 hours.

Sign up for our services of tomography:


Reviews and opinions

Pruteanu Alexandru

Calitatea înaltă a serviciilor de imagistică a fost confirmată de specialiștii Spitalului „Asklepios” din Bad Tolz, Germania ,unde am suferit o intervenție reușită de înlăturare a cancerului amigdalian (intervenția a fost programată în baza descrierii și a imaginilor prestate de dl. Iurie Crijanovschi). La recomandarea medicilor oncologi din Germania examinarea imagistică postoperatorie (Tomografie Computerizată) la un an de la intervenție au realizat-o tot specialiștii clinicii Terramed.

Munteanu Cristina

În luna mai 2021, în urma RMN(rezonanță magnetică cu contrast) evaluată de Dl. Iurie Cirjanosvschi și în colaborare cu neurochirurgul Dl. Viorel Găina, mi sa depistat o tumoare cerebrală frontală. Și datorită lor, am efectuat intervenția chirurgicală și acum sunt monotorizata de acești medici de excepție, cărora le sunt enorm de recunoscătoare pentru faptul că traiesc acum.

John Demichev

Cамый современный диагностический центр с лучшими томографами!!!

Cojocari Mariana

Recomand clinica, medici foarte bravi, în special la Rezonanță Magnetică medic Dr.Crijanovschi Iurie, receptivi și expliciți. Am rămas foarte mulțumiți, RECOMAND.

Bucatari Alina

Mulțumesc mult pentru ajutor doctorului Iurie Crijanovschi și echipei sale de la clinica Terramed! Sunteți bravo, experimentați! Am avut parte de o atîrnare de rang înalt,profesionalism desăvârșit!!! Recomand tuturor celor, care au nevoie de un doctor priceput!

Ivan Bordian

Cпасибо клинике TerraMed и доктору Крижановски за професионализм и хорошее отношение к больным.

Дима Чобану

Делал К.Т. Очень понравилось, приветлевые врачи, очень рекомендую.
