Is there any harm from an MRI?
Myth of MRI harm:
Many patients worry that the procedure of MRI in Moldova is harmful to their health, because the MRI creates an electromagnetic field. But the uniqueness of MRI is that the magnetic fields created by the machine are of very high frequency, and do not have a negative impact on the body.
In addition, X-rays are completely eliminated during a tomography - this is the main advantage of MRI. Radiofrequency radiation is absolutely harmless to health, so the procedure is appointed regardless of age, including small children. But no matter what they say about the harmlessness and effectiveness of MRI, the study should be appointed only by the attending physician, as the procedure has a number of contraindications.
Is it dangerous to have an MRI of the brain and how can it affect mental performance?
In diagnostic practice, there is no evidence of harm to the patient's health and deterioration of health after the examination.
Is MRI with contrast dangerous
Contrast imaging is mainly used to diagnose tumors at an early stage. A special contrast agent is injected intravenously, the drug usually contains a metal - gadolinium, which is safe for health.
The absolute contraindication for contrast MRI in Chisinau is renal insufficiency. Patients with this diagnosis have difficulty eliminating the drug from the body.
For pregnant women, as well as breastfeeding mothers, contrast MRI is also contraindicated. Doctors fear that a strong magnetic field and the introduction of a chemical substance into the body can negatively affect the development of the fetus.
Thus, negative consequences of an MRI scan are only possible if the rules of the procedure are neglected and contraindications are ignored, but they have nothing to do with the effect of magnetic radiation on the body.
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